Monday, April 9, 2012

Flooring...Light at the End of the Tunnel

You can see from the photos below how disgusting the carpeting was!




Fortunately and unfortunately it took a total of 30 minutes to tear out the old carpeting and carpet padding due to it's aged and water-damaged state. Unfortunately it took the next two days and part of another weekend to prepare and repair the original subfloor before we could install new flooring.

The short video below shows the general condition of the entire subfloor (turn your speakers down first...the cutting tool turns on part way through):

[I don't see the video when I preview it, so it may not show up...sorry!)

One shot of the front floor and one looking down the hallway:

Under the stereo cabinet:

Benny contemplating, cutting a 'research' hole and then digging into the rest:
Outcome: Benny fashioned a 'brace' out of angle iron, attached it at a 45 degree angle to the frame underneath the patch piece.

The next photo is of the hole caused by the curb side stabilizing jack that punched through the undercarriage up through the subfloor.

Here is the subfloor patched, prepped and ready for finish floor:

Now for the good stuff! We looked at cork, vinyl, laminate, etc. and decided on engineered bamboo for its durability, tightly-stranded pattern and environmental friendliness. Installation began late in the afternoon and went on into the 14th hour of work that day. We are so happy with the finished product. We'll see how it holds up to two boys, sand, dirt and a dog...




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